Calibre Lounge Restuarant
8/11/2014 2:11:28 PM
Four separate Calibre venues are now open for your dining pleasure:

Calibre Lounge - Bong Sen Hotel:

•    Located inside Bong Sen Hotel, Calibre Lounge  provides a quiet, tranquil space with soft lighting and timeless music that offers the perfect atmosphere for casual business meetings.

Calibre Lounge - Palace Hotel:

•    Situated inside Palace Hotel, Calibre Lounge  provides patrons with a magnificent view of the beautiful Nguyen Hue Pedestrian Square, along with menu selections that are unrivaled in their culinary excellence.

Wherever you choose to go, Calibre will not disappoint. Expect greatness.

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117 - 123 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Tel: 02838291516 | Fax: (84-8) 38246762

Copyright @ 2014 Bong Sen Hotel Saigon. All rights reserved.

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